Internet system with mesh network

Getting a new home internet set up and might end up with a mesh extender for better home coverage. Recall reading some posts so will I run into issues with this type of set up or what do I need to consider to make sure the board will work with the network?

@Jeff would know for sure, but I think you’d be good so long as the board is closer to the router than the mesh boost. So long as the connection is being routed through the router rather than the boost I can’t imagine it would INTERFERE with your existing connection.

If the board WOULD be closer to your new mesh boost than the router, you might encounter difficulty. A fix might roll out in 2-8 months, so depending on when you are getting your new mesh boost you might not have any trouble at all.

Thanks. I’m not familiar with the mesh system as never have used one. Possibly the board will be closer to gateway router so how would it choose which to use if that makes sense? @ChessCubesAndCode

I am not familiar with mesh either, though I would think the board would prioritize a better connection. Great question for your wifi provider, but I won’t pretend to be an expert on something I’m not.

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You will be fine in regards to ChessUp 2 - any remaining mesh issues will be resolved really soon