I’m playing OTB on the ChessUp with a friend and I can’t figure out how to turn off the assistance lights. There only seems to be a minimum setting for each one, that still has different colours. I really just want the ChessUp to capture all the moves so that we can analyse them later in Lichess or Chess.com. Is there another setting that will enable this?
Thanks in advance, Pete
The lowest level should be all blue. There are different appearances of blue on dark squares and light squares - by only because of the dark and light print on those squares.
The only other colors are related to king in check and perhaps flashing colors to warn of an illegal move.
Are you seeing red or green elsewhere?
And yes you can upload and analyze the game - exactly what you are hoping to do.
If you could share a picture we could help troubleshoot.
Hi Jeff,
Sure. I trying to reproduce this issue, I have another one. When setting up the board, it tells me that the pieces are in the wrong position and to follow the board for instructions on fixing it. But the board doesn’t say what’s wrong. Also, when trying to play a OTB with ‘someone else’ it seems to want to move white for me (h4, of all moves), even though the app says that I’m playing white.
I’ve attached a few photos to see if that helps.
Thanks in advance, Pete
Just following up on this…any suggestions for what I’m doing wrong, or what’s wrong with the board? Should I do a hard reset or something. ATM, it’s been reduced to a simple board game
Start by clearing all pieces and calibrate the board. You do this by pressing the settings/cog buttons on both sides until they cycle through the ELO levels. Hold them down until they stop cycling and you should see the ChessUp logo light up. Once calibration is done, you should see lights on the board. Please ensure you have the board plugged in when you calibrate the ChessUp1 board.
Perfect, thanks! I had thought I tried that, but perhaps I didn’t remove the pieces first. Do I need to do this everytime? I quit a game part way through, and I’m now in a situation where all the white pieces have a blue light and the black pieces have a green light.
You should not need to calibrate everytime - only if the unit is not handling correctly.
If you cannot get the board to work after calibration, then it may be a hardware issue.
info@bryghtlabs.com can help with support 7 days a week.
Hi Jeff, Thanks - after the calibration it seems to be working - but I’m guessing that I have to have it connected to my phone? Otherwise, if I try to play a game without the connection I get all the home rows lit up again and I can’t get them to turn off with a reset. (Honest I did RTFM too!)
A back row lighting up as if not working, but working with the app → This is an issue I have not seen before. The app should not matter for that.
Makes me think the board might have an intermittent row and randomly it is working and not working.
We can certainly help repair it. Can you share some video or pictures to show the situation better? You can share them here or through our email info@bryghtlabs.com - whichever is easiest for you