ChessUp 2 vs. ChessUp 2 through

Is it possible to play a friend who also has a ChessUp 2 through chess. com? My friend and I were trying last night, and when either of us would send a chess. com challenge (through the board or the ChessUp app), the other one would be able to accept on their phone but wouldn’t be able to transfer the game to their board.

I know we can get a ChessUp 2 vs. ChessUp 2 game going through ChessUp Online mode in the app, but we were hoping to play through chess. com for ratings, game history, etc.

Is this the expected behavior for now, or are we missing something?

Answered on other thread too - we are waiting on an extension of the API to be able to do this.

It is known, high priority, and coming.

Sorry it is not ready yet

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Thanks for the quick reply Jeff. I hadn’t seen anybody ask about this, so it’s good to know that it’s coming and we should stop trying for now :slight_smile: