EU chessup Friend

Hello, is anyboby leaving in europe ? :grin:

am in the UK

i will check time to time in the app so i can add you. i understood you must be online to be added as a friend (otherwise you don’t appear in the search result)

From Belgium here.

Hello from France! :fr::fr:

Sweden here. :sweden: :sweden:


Hi! Add me with my lichess name : Arnaud_Csg

I live in Denmark

Hi ! I tried to add you guys:
“Julius”, “Arnaus_Csg”, “Ed_Ferreira”, “Parane”, “Criptix”, “badger89”
No results in the “friends” section so i didn’t manage to add you !

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You are trying to add us directly inside the ChessUp app? I think ppl have to be online with app open if you want to find the ppl.


Yes, directly from chessup app and yes you’re right, the player has to be online !

Hello, you can find a player only when connected with the app

If the name is the same try to add with lichess or

I’ll try to add you too

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There is always the possibility to use discord when u want to play with someone :wink:. If we all would join discord we would know who’s online.

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