I will use this section to share the release notes for ChessUp 2. We have a webpage that provides the list so you can see the whole history.
Version 0.5.0 Release
Version 0.5.1 has been release:
It’s also not working for me @JustinF
Same. Though aside, the new logo and favicon look sharp. Great change.
We switched over the website to ChessUp 2 yesterday and some of the pages we have to migrate manually (like the firmware update). It will be back soon.
The release notes page should be working now.
It’s working now!
I don’t own any of the pilot run unit but even though I’m really interested in the firmware change log and I guess it makes even more sense for people testing the units, unfortunately the release page only contains changelog for 0.5.0 and 0.5.1 but I’ve read that they were some fixes in the 0.5.3. Could you make the changelog up to date on this page or doesn’t it make sense at all?
Thanks a lot for your hard work
Form what I can tell from using it, 0.5.3 added most other bots.
I cannot see any other differences.
Changelog has been update for 0.5.3.
@JustinF I am only seeing up through 0.5.2 on the website, am I missing something?
Sorry. There is no 0.5.2. It’s been changed to 0.5.3.
0.5.5 is released.
We just got an update notice for the same firmware the second time right in the middle of an online game. Not ideal. Just updated, but still on the same firmware, 5.8.
Hi psl,
The notification was on the board or on the app?
The board