Are there any future plans for people with two boards to be able to link them together to play bughouse? With having piece recognition, I feel like this is possible.
Bughouse is not a common request, I think I have seen it mentioned 2~3 times. So we will add it to the feature list, but it will likely be a ways down the list.
Having rarely used features like this could potentially have negative effects (like bloat or bugs) on the rest of the platform. However, there’s a lot of value for users who have specific preferences.
Have you guys considered providing some way to have users install custom firmware or something like that? I’m 99% sure this would most likely again fall in the “not worth the effort” category but wanted to throw it out there.
We made a bluetooth API for ChessUp 1 and several 3rd party apps integrated it.
However, opening up the hardware platform is a no-go. I could see the API surviving but it is also lower priority.
An API honestly sounds way better than firmware! Will be interesting to see where that lands. An API that just lets me read and provide moves is probably enough to do many interesting things (including bughouse)
Will there be an API on ChessUp 2? USB (is there an USB data port or only charging port?) or Bluetooth?
Is there any documentation about the API on ChessUp v1?
The USB port is only for charging. All communication from the board to the app is BLE