Trying to update to the latest firmware (2nd firmware update for me), but I keep getting an error message. It makes me power off the board off and on to start again, but it just brings me to a never ending failure loop, and theres no way out of it.
The board is basically unusable. Anyone else experiencing this? I’m an IT guy for 10 years, and this has me stumped
You don’t need a phone to update the board.
Connect board to wifi and it updates itself. When u power the board it will promt you that a new firmware is available. And you can start it. All on the screen on the board itself.
I wont be able to take a video for a while, but this screenshot shows the board on without bluetooth. Left it on and alone for a good 15 minutes. When it reaches the end, it fails.
With bluetooth on, I make sure bluetooth is on first, then I turn on my board. From there, nothing happens unless I hit force updates. Thats when I got those two error messages. It makes me power cycle the board, then it just loops the whole thing again
Replacement unit scheduled to send Monday. When you receive it, please make sure all is working.
Please use the return label we emailed to send back the faulty one -we would like to analyze how it is stuck updating. Thanks and sorry for the bad unit.
Yes I was able to get it to work after troubleshooting it multiple ways. I found that cellular data resets the network connection, which worked the first try. Not sure if its the wifeless NIC inside the board that was just bugging out on me. I will keep you updated through the weeks if I experience anything new