Checkers update

When jumping over pieces you should be able to chose how many jumps you want to preform.

Maybe disable the option force jumps?

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The reason we did not allow a player to cease a multi-jump is that there is no good way to automatically tell if the turn is over. We would have to add a button on the screen and we felt that would be more confusing. We felt forcing jump continuation was a better design choice.

Checkers is great. When playing bot I moved ahead of my turn so I replaced the piece but the bot did not show the bot move again until I touched one of the bot pieces. Video available but can’t post.

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*No worries about a video - we have seen this bug too and have it on the list.

Other bugs to be fixed:

  • turns get mixed up if kinging is not finished and a move is made
  • when kinging, the other available move lights are left on
  • opposing Ai move disappears until retouch sometimes (the bug you mentioned)

Thanks for the heads-up on those Jeff.