1.7.0 update - from website


it fixes main issue we have (disconnect abortion)?

Felt like Christmas this morning, been waiting for the Checkers update!
Played many games, things seem to work great so far. Apparently I’m VERY terrible at Checkers though :joy:

Will there be an update where you can take back a move like you can with Chess?

If I try now, the piece I move back will cause the squares to turn purple (as expected), and the bot’s move disappears (not expected). I have to put my piece back to where I originally moved it and then touch a black piece to see what the bot’s move was again. It would be nice if the bot’s move was highlighted again after fixing your misplaced piece, or stay highlighted, but not a big deal at all, it does not break the game.

Great job, can’t wait to play Checkers with the kids when they get home!


The same here. They announced checkers for Jan., 21st and they delivered. I was very happy and played a game. Worked great. I am not good at checkers. Did not play 5 games in the last 40 years, but still opted for the package with the checkers pieces and now I am happy, because my son likes it. I was able to beat Level 1, and will try the other levels too.