not working atm (bots)


Today I tried to play a bot on The board connects to the app, shows connected and battery icon is displayed.
When going to it also shows connected and I go to play a bot.
The lights don’t blink on game start and the moves are not registrated on the board. The only move that does is the first move if you play white, with black nothing happens. After the first move with white the blue knight blinks on the board but the bot already played a move witch isn’t registrated on the board. So there’s no way to play more then one move OTB. I tried with 2 different android devices.

It looks like made some changes, the way to select a bot is changed sinds the last time I played one.

I don’t wanne test a real game because I don’t like to play on screen instead of OTB :wink:


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I am having the same problem

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I noticed this yesterday as well! I let the development team know

Hi Everyone,
We have updated our backend which should fix the issues with game play. Please let us know if you are still experiencing problems.


Things work indeed.

The only thing I get every time now (in the past I did not) is a warning that the settings aren’t fully loaded but it doesn’t effect game play OTB.

I’m noticing the same thing on yesterday as well. I tried to play against Maia5 and had to switch to playing on screen.

Hi there,

It started happening to me 2 days ago. For some reason, playing vs bot doesn’t work properly when playing as black. White (bots) moves register, but mine moves on board are not transferred to the app and after my first black move the winged horse icon starts flashing blue. I can workaround it by doing the move manually in the app for black, but its not ideal… Tried 2 different iOS devices, recalibrating the board, nothing helped. When playing white, no issues.

Anyone could suggest help or test on different board? I have newest firmware. Thank you.


I just got my ChessUp 1 out to test for you.
Played 2 games against Christmas bots as black and the 2 games where normal. No problems with move registration.
I am using Android.

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Must be iOS thing - I will forward - thanks for reporting

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