If I were good enough to stream my games and have viewers, I think this would be a good way for people to observe my OTB games by sharing the link or embed the game into my webpage/blog.
I would use that link to share the games with my OTB opponents and to analyze them afterwards. So PGN export and analysis would be desired features. Can be simplified to just having a link to analyze the game PGN on Chess Analysis Board and PGN Editor - Chess.com.
Currently with the app you have to upload the games from the board, copy / paste the PGN yourself into the Chess.com board editor, or wait for a ChessUp analysis.
Also having a game history would make it easier to review or share the latest games without using the app. Even the Chess.com bot games that are not currently saved anywhere.
Another use case could be to check the game status if you think something is not syncing with your moves or the opponent move in online games (without breaking the connection like using the ChessCom app). But with the upcoming bugfixes on those issues that could be less relevant.
That would be a great feature. I can imagin using it in my local chess club for training purposes. Even for having small tournaments, where people can watch online. We now have 4 chessup boards in our club, so we could use all of them to stream 4 games at the same time. So it would be a good feature, if you could implement some kind of grouping function to be able to have a link to a webpage where all boards, that belong to the same group are shown and you can decide to click of any of these boards to take a closer look at it, or just watch all of them in a bird eye view.
It is maybe a feature that I am not going to use very often when the disconnect/abort game will be resolved but what a really cool feature for club, tournament or group training. Definitely a really nice idea. I also like the idea to be able to get the PGN and analysis (can be a link to already existing analysis tool like chess.com or Lichess).
What are you expecting to support (I know it is early stage), chess.com, Lichess, ChessUp or any game played on the board?
When I let my imagination work I see the possibility to stream on Youtube (so you can instantly record gameplay) and Twitch. But that’s not the scope here I think . Or maybe it’s not impossible, I don’t know.
If there is a live webpage I would use it to share with my friends and colleagues. There are some who are learning to play chess.
Maybe the moves can show next to the board. So ppl can see how many moves have been played. And after the game the possibility to export the pgn?
I don’t know if it will be possible to use the app for it (like for ChessUp 1) and make a little window next to the board presence with video and sound of the phone’s camera? Or the option to select what you want to add to the stream?
At the end of a game show the celebration sequence or an window with the same message after completing a game like you see on the screen atm.
If it is always the same link/web page, we can announce streaming.
If it is always the same link/web page and we get a little space on that the game history can be stored there for us or for others to review. A mini ChessUp page space per board.
This could be very usefull for our local chess club when playing external tournaments. This way people from chess club that are not playing, would be able to follow the games of the teams without beeing onsite. But I am not sure if there might be FIDE or DSB rules that dissallow something like that in a rated tournament.
Some kind of grouping would be nice, so the viewer can see all boards for a specific tournament or can just look at one of the boards. For convenience it could be nice to have an evaluation bar (but this could become an issue regarding the mentioned rules before) and should highlight the last move.
The reason for this idea is to allow people from one community to participate/watch games without the need to come onsite to a venue (which usually doesn’t have so much space)
This, or something like it is something I considered requesting once things were up to date. I would love to see some form of this in the future.
In my case our chessup2 gets most of its use either playing with my kid or at my kids chess club (its a hit at chessclub) so would love to have an opportunity to monitor and analyze games being played either while teaching directly or when they are playing at club.
2-3. Maybe a far fetched idea but the ability for something like an “instuctors portal” or something where the instructor can both monitor and remotely highlight spaces on the board with the lights would be huge and possibly bring in person and remote lessons to another level.
As some people said, it would be an amazing feature for my stream, having this feature would make the whole experience so much better for the viewers! U guys are AWESOME!