ChessUp 2 is this right is this right @Jeff

What will this mean for our current boards with regards to updates and new features?

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This is in the comment on the Backers page of the ChessUp 2 board.


Yes that is us. ChessUp 1 will still be fully supported and we are still working on new features. The platforms share the majority of their code.

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Kick in the teeth when the ChessUp 1 not 100% yet


I have backed ChessUp 2 but I feel It’s a shame you didn’t reach out to us first and announce the new project, reaffirming your commitment to delivering what you promised with the original ChessUp. Although there has been progress it’s still not as promised. We are still waiting for lessons. I seem to remember something about learning from GM content too. I think most backers would understand there’s competition on the market - maybe you’re reacting to (Chessnut Evo). I do feel a bit let down with the lack of communication.


Too be honest I don’t use my ChessUp as much as I would like. One thing that I don’t like is that I can’t leave a game against a bot on and pick it up later. Is this something that will be added to ChessUp 1?

What about the development of the standalone AI which was going to be overhauled and with higher levels of gameplay and assistance? Is this something that will still happen?

Also, any plans to add assistance levels including post move assessment when playing bots?

The times I played on it has never been a smooth experience. Quite often I was experiencing clear bugs or just erroneous behavior. For example, a sudden drop in gameplay level like it went from app to embedded AI. Maybe others have good experiences, but I always end up putting the board back in the closet and grab a different board.

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I also feel a bit let down with regards to full piece recognition. You’ve always defended not choosing that for ChessUp 1. Will it be possible to buy pieces with full piece recognition for ChessUp 1 and maybe a firmware update or is it also a matter of having a different hardware?


I am a little dissapointed, the promises made for the first board are not all fulfilled (chess960, lessons…) but you are already releasing a new board. This suggests that perhaps some of them may not see the light of day on the first board ? I hope I am wrong.
What about compatibility between v1 and v2 ? Support of v1 ? V2 will have wifi built-in and the app won’t be required anymore. How long the app (necessary for platine online with v1 board) will be supported by Chessup ?
For the lessons, there will be a possibility to get lessons, puzzle etc through, do you still plan to release lessons, puzzles etc on the app?


To address some of the concerns

  • Piece ID is important for people who set up the board wrong or handle captures a bit sloppy. ChessUp 1 and ChessUp 2 are the same tech and algorithm driving touch response and game play otherwise. So it is an important feature for some - but the core tech is still our touch tech.

  • The effort with is in large part because we are working on a new API with them so that the play is much more reliable than what we are forced to do now. The benefit of that relationship is rolling out on Android soon as an update for ChessUp 1. We are still working on it for iOS

  • ChessUp 2 does not take our app developer’s time too much. They are continuing with features for the ChessUp app. Lessons is still in the works (and it is a huge project - sorry it is taking so long). We are not abandoning the app roadmap at all. The app features continue to benefit ChessUp 1. A lot has been added in the past year or so. There is analysis, bot play from, etc. It has always been progressing. We are about to demonstrate an opening training/explorer tool this week that is a ChessUp 1 app enabled feature.

  • We also discussed lesson content and puzzles from That did not end up being the core of the collaboration though. So it is still on us to create that content. Lessons are above puzzles in our roadmap.

  • (answering other questions) - ChessUp 1 and 2 pieces are similar, but ChessUp 1 cannot do piece ID. So it needs FEN string loading to set up a position. That feature is already in the app.

  • Standalone A.I. is the same in both platforms (1 and 2) and that is actively in the works. That will be released this summer most likely.

  • @ Also, any plans to add assistance levels including post move assessment when playing bots?

that already exists. You can have post move hints while playing the A.I. (you can set this in the app).

  • @ One thing that I don’t like is that I can’t leave a game against a bot on and pick it up later. Is this something that will be added to ChessUp 1?

that will not be on either platform.

  • @ Chess960

I don’t know if either platform will end up implementing this - at least in 2024.

  • @ app support

We continue to develop our own platform and the app is never being shut down. Even ChessUp 2 needs it for game analysis, firmware updates, login, etc. And as long as we have app developers, we have new features in development.

Keep in mind… ChessUp 2 is not our only product in the roadmap. ChessUp 2 is meant to serve the customer very well. That is not the only product we are going to make.

@ “Quite often I was experiencing clear bugs or just erroneous behavior. For example, a sudden drop in gameplay level like it went from app to embedded AI.”

I believe this happens to some people - but it is very rare. So it almost always ends up being something on a phone model that we don’t have in the office to troubleshoot. I apologize that it is happening to you. But in general, we have a very stable platform.

Also - often there is a bug that was fixed and people do not update and try the new app and firmware. What version of firmware and app is this and what phone?


I think that covers the questions - but if I missed something, let me know.

We are not making 1 product forever as a company. There are product lines. ChessUp 2 is a line that serves members well. Don’t think that is all we work on.


Thank you for a very thorough answer, addressing every concern.
Really looking forward to lessons and opening explorer is really exciting as well.
I’m a bit sad Chessup 1 can’t do piece ID, I was hoping it would be able to after a firmware update. However, it’s not the end of the world.
I can see that some ChessUp 1 owners are backing ChessUp 2, but aren’t the two boards essentially the same, apart from the WiFi, touchscreen with integrated and the piece ID?

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Yes 1 and 2 are the same other than that. There are features the screen enables - like direct play to, but ChessUp 1 does that too - just with the phone app connected.

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Thanks Jeff for all your answers. I know it exists in the app but I meant when playing bots on It doesn’t really matter as I don’t use the board for bots as I like to take my time and like to play a game over multiple sessions. That’s why I would love to be able to save my game with a bot so I pick it up later. Good to know that this will not be implemented for both the ChessUp 1 and 2, at least I know not to expect it.

Sometimes I wonder if I have a less stable experience because I save my games and continue later, both in the app and the embedded AI. Maybe that causes the erroneous behavior I’m experiencing. My board and app are both up to date and I use an iPhone 15.

As I can not use the bots in the way I would like I have focused my hope on a great embedded AI with more levels of gameplay and assistance and use it as a standalone board.

Thanks again for taking the time to answer my questions and concerns.

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Hi - yes lichess online play is built in as well.

At this time we will not sell the sensors, but I don’t know if that is a forever policy or not.

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This is the article on the site about the board.

Really exciting to hear about future plans you have to develop other products … if it’s anything like ChessUp-1, I look forward to seeing what you and the amazing team come up with next! … maybe a scaled down version of ChessUp-1 for those wanting a more portable set to travel with it? (Like maybe a 10”x10” board?) …


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Agreed. I had just bought version one, and then boom here comes two. I just hope that if this board ever is able to connect to PC programs like Fritz, Shredder, etc. , that purchasers of version 1 aren’t kicked to the curb…

The app for chessup 1 does not work. The board works fine but the AI is for beginners not seasoned players.

The new ChessUp 2, I’m so looking forward to it. I like the new packaging but I suggest, may I say, in order to differentiate ChessUp 1 and ChessUp 2 products, to indicate something like “ChessUp^2” (with exponent 2) or “ChessUp +” or “ChessUp Plus” and such on the box. It would be a nice “classy touch”. It’s just a thought. Keep up the good work !