Feature Road Map - Update Feb 27 2025


Chess.com play is also stable (and has been for weeks). The abandon game and lost move issues are resolved. The stable play fixes were not a specific release, just improvements throughout all the releases.


Thanks for updating the roadmap.
There are still some great features coming our way.:+1:


When will checkers for chessup 1 have the forced capture rule? Been promised forever and seems to have been forgottenā€¦ unless I missed it?

Thanks so much @Jeff. Very exciting and something to look forward to.
Great job!

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We have to add it in the apps for CU1 to have the setting exposed - it is on the plans for next few months


Thank you Jeff. I couldnā€™t be happier with the progress you and your team have made.


So, is ā€˜minimal lights modeā€™ the new name for ā€˜no lights modeā€™ ( I think it was in 5.0 last time) - as in when it is my move and I pick up my piece, I donā€™t have all those annoying squares lighting up which might bring on an epileptic seizure?

This is so great. I love all your teams hard work that has been put into this product and community


Dang, Iā€™ve been waiting for bots to be saved for 2 months. Sucks that it may be April or May now.

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Besides the roadmap, probably the most important feature :slight_smile: Thank you to the whole team.

Yeah sorry for the wait - but I promise these are going to be a great feature.

A really nice feature Iā€™d like to see is on the app side being able to rename who played a match on the history, being able to put for each player who it was would be really cool. Also when playing OTB, it would be nice to tell whoā€™s resigning (but maybe this is already implemented, like the one who resign is the one who is playing)


Yes I agree @Nicko that would be a welcome feature.

wouldnt it be possible to just save every game on the board? No matter what? And delete once board capacity is full :smiley:

Still no 3.1.0? Was waiting it last week and then you said it was for yesterday

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I think no lights at all would be a problem because you would never know if it didnā€™t recognize a move you did either for a problem or an illegal move, so your clock would keep ticking and you wouldnt know what happened. Or if you knock some pieces by accident, right now it shows where they were.

I think those lights they should keep.

The lights are a reason to buy such a board. The lights on the Chessup 2 are great. If you want a board without lights, just buy a normal wooden chess board. If you like your games stored, write the moves on paper, just like you do in an OTB tournament, and later transfer them to a computer or smartphone.

I could see a use to ā€œalmost no lightā€ mode. When itā€™s late at night, with eyes already tired from too much screen during the day. If such a mode could be implemented, I think we would still need to maintain a red visual feedback if illegal move, and a purple visual feedback when pieces are dropped/misplaced.

Isnā€™t there already a dimming function? If not, you could wear sun glasses for this use case. :laughing: