Great design for family fun

My in-house development team is hard at work.

But seriously, this is a great scheme for the board to prompt resetting after a game. My 6-year-old knows setup and moves but the 4-year-old doesn’t. Now she can follow along and set up a new game easily. Elegant design!

Kids are laughing and talking through their moves together, having fun as they learn – precisely the end result I had hoped for. Well done!


Wow - this is so cool - thank you for sharing!

We will have many more modes for the kiddos soon. They will get assistance, bots, clocks, etc.


Update. Played my 6-year-old last night who has never had the patience to finish a game. Piece movement and calculating values are the extent of his knowledge. Last night we had assistance maxed out for him and I BARELY won.

What hath man wrought!


My youngest is 3 and she really likes setting up and then taking the pieces off of the board. She knows how to setup the board with white and black. I’ve been trying to teach her how to move the pieces, but now with the lights we were finally able to play. She was able to follow the lighted squares. She calls the red ones floor is lava and knows to not put her piece there and put the piece on the green square. This is a huge part of what I was excited about when buying this board. I may have thrown the game, but let’s not tell her lol