Looking for chessCom ChessUp 2 friends

Hi all,

All the topics so far are bug / feature related, but a forum is more than that, right? I would like to open up a topic to find other ChessUp2 users in the 1200 - 1400 range. I’m currently 1260 in rapid, but was 1350 before the network issues.

It could be fun to play games knowing that the other person is also using ChessUp and thus is reacting a little bit slower than expected, having balanced end games (time wise), and maybe even chat / analyse together. Even become chess friends, who knows :wink:

So anyway, reach out if you want to play a game!

Feel free to use this topic if you’re in a different ELO range, and would like to find other ChessUp users.




There is a ChessUp club on chess.com for board owners. There you can make a forum post with your question. You will find like minded there. We have 255 members atm.


I’m a 1145 Rapid player, I like your idea! If you are interested we can definitely play. :blush:

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