Move Take Back in 2 Player Mode

I was digging around the form, I thought that this was maybe brought up already, but I couldn’t find anything on this, so I’ll post this here just incase.

I am wondering if there will be an option in 2 player mode to have a move take back option. This would help me out a lot when playing with my 3 and 6 year old. Sometimes while they are trying to figure out a move, they will pick up a piece but decide to try and move a different piece so they put it back down. The only problem is that if they put it down on the wrong square it now counts as a move. So instead of just moving the piece back like we would do on a regular board, I either have to just play on, or take a piece like a rook, move it 1 square, then move their piece back, then move my rook back, to get back to where we were.

Good question. Yes that will be in there. Actually I am surprised it is not already (as it is in ChessUp 1 - and most of this code is inherited).

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Take back actually works. At least it did in my test game versus my girlfriend. Sadly no footage but it worked (there’s no indication of it, which might be the confusion.).

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I can now confirm (see video below) that you can take back a move, even a move where you capture a piece. I swore that I tried just moving the piece back before and it didn’t work, maybe I did something wrong. Glad this works though, this will make games against the kids a lot easier. I wont have to worry about them accidently moving pieces anymore lol


just curious. Can you take 2 moves back? Example: white makes a move, black makes a move, black takes his move back. Can white then also take his move back? (and so on?)

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Yes you can take back as many moves as you want. I just tried it.

So, in theory, this gives you a “freeplay” setup where you can play both sides of a 2p game and practice/learn lines and take back moves to wherever and then try another line and so on.
Was actually wondering if there was something like a “freestyle” mode, but 2p w/ infinite takebacks (can you use takebacks/infinite in the board editor?)
Hopefully what I’m trying to achieve makes sense, and I think this is close to, if not spot on, it.

In the future we will add a true sandbox mode, where you can just set up any position and get live hints out of it. This allows full flexibility to undo, redo, skip, etc.

That will be later in 2025.

Takebacks is a way to accomplish this as well, but not as flexible.

Hey I can only make a one take back. If I try 2 the square will just be blinking (see image)

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Ditto for me - noticed many times in games with my kids that I can only take back the most recent move…trying to go back two moves, (I withdraw my move, they withdraw thers), just gives purple blinkies.

@JustinF may be able to shed some light on which modes have which take back ability.

But Justin is also in the thick of the lost moves battle, so it may not be a quick answer here

Hi all,
At this point we only allow 1 take back (half-move). If you play connected to the app you can do more take backs by arrowing back to a previous position, clicking your player tile and saying sync to board. But we do not have that capability yet on the board by itself.


Would be a nice feature. Is it on the list?