Playing on LiChess against Bots

I’d like to play using my ChessUp against Bots like Maia5 and Maia9. I follow all the Bots I’d like to play, and they’re obviously online, but they don’t show up on the list of possible players to play against.

What needs to be fixed to make this work?


Hi Kayvan, if the bots aren’t showing in the ChessUp app, they are likely consumed by other users, or are offline. If you continue to experience this in the ChessUp app, could you log in to and check the list of people you are following? In the past, this is what we have seen since we get the list of users from them.

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I can play against the bots right on LiChess, and I am following them too, and they just don’t show up in ChessUp app.

Have you verified it’s working for you?

@Jeff @Veronica I’ve repeatedly tried this without success.

Ok - sorry for the troubles - I am going to ask software to look into this again.

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When I’m looking on the Lichess website, here is what I see:

In the same moment, in the Chessup App, trying to start a LiChess game, here is what shows up:

Notice that the three bots are missing on ChessUp’s list of possible opponents.

New development which might point to the bug…

@Jeff I cleaned up my friends list, removing some people that haven’t been active on LiChess for years, and also an account that was on my friends list but was “closed”.

Now, all the bots are showing up!


@kayvan Oh interesting, we’re glad that worked. We’ll go ahead and let our development team know. Thanks for keeping us in the loop!