Possibility of different chess engine?


I know the app (and the board) is using stockfish as a chess engine. I recently discovered Maia, which is based on alphazero and promises to deliver more human-like responses. I think lichess is already offering pre-trained Maia bots to play against for some time now. I would like to know if updating the app to be able to choose between Maia and Stockfish is something that is feasible/desirable as a new feature or not.



Hi - yes you can play the Maia bots.

  1. Create a lichess.org account (you may already have one)
  2. While logged in to lichess on a web browser, follow the maia bots:
    maia1 : Activity • lichess.org
    maia5 : Activity • lichess.org
    maia9 : Activity • lichess.org

You can follow by clicking the “follow” button on the page. It looks like a thumbs up on my browser

  1. when setting up a game in the chessup app, choose lichess as the platform, and then challenge the maia bot of your choice

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That’s great, thanks!!

By the way, there are also a lot of community bots on Lichess that are interesting as well.

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Cant play classical chess with any Maia bot in Lichess. The only bot I know I can play classical chess in Lichess is YEOLDWIZ, wich is great because it sends a message where we can choose his ELO. Unfortunately cant play it in Chessup, it allways declines. Is there any bot in Lichess that we can play classical chess in Chessup? Cant find one. Thanks!

Hi, I can play correctly the MaĂŻa bot with CHESSUP bord.

So be sure you have the last firmware and last version of the app. Sometimes you need to uninstall and re install the app. Try it and tell us the result.


Bik’s “Chess for Android” app now supports the ChessUp:
Oh boy, this is so great !

Hi Jeff,
i can only play as white against maia. When i choose black the ai wont make a move. When i quit the game the board suddenly shows what move white has done.
Hope heres the right place to report this bug.
thanks for your great work!

Here is our bug reporting form:

Thanks for reporting