Starting soon bug

When trying to play a bot, it gets stuck at “Starting soon…”. This seems to be happening more frequently, maybe 40% of the time. Only option is to turn off and back on. Please fix this bug as well as provide an option to Cancel so you don’t have to power off.

Which bots give you this issue? I’ve played many bots on but didn’t encounter this issue. Can you be more specific?

OP was flagged and temporarily hidden but I can only guess I have been experiencing the same bug: after choosing a bot then a side to play, I would run into a neverending “Starting soon” screen. I think the time it takes for me to set the pieces after selecting side might affect the occurence of the bug, as oftentimes, a hard reboot of the board (with pieces then set) will not lead to that same bug.

Why was I flagged and hid?

Someone must have flagged you for whatever reason. No idea why.

I had the same problem before.
But I don’t remember which bot it was.
Anyway, I had already set up the pieces and selected the side.
Then the screen appeared with the message “Start soon” and then froze.
After that, there was nothing I could do except restart the CU2.
But the problem hasn’t occurred again since then.

There is a bug on the bots. Had it myself. What I do is take time to start. Found if you go to fast with wifi connected, go to bots, choose and play it’s to my experience more likely that it happens. If you wait like 10 sec each step I didn’t had the problem no more.

Restarting the board with the power switch is only thing that helps.

Our forum software auto flags and hides stuff (usually spam stuff) - not sure why this one would have been flagged. But I unflagged it. rolled out a change to their bots and we are fixing it now. The difficulty is that it was rolled out gradually so we have users with the new interface and old at the same time.

It will be resolved soon.


I’ve been getting this recently too, typically on first game after turning on the board. As long as it’s a known bug and gets fixed, all good :slight_smile: