Updates on ChessUp 2 outage - FIX Dec 26th 2024

Today the services were in and out all day and it was inconsistent across accounts. The issue (as far as we know) was not directly related to the volume of people online. Today we would have as many as 1,000 boards online at a time. But we were prepared for that, as Christmas is always 5x the volume of other days.

What seems to have happened is one specific interaction in the Chess.com API (specifically authentication of the user login) was inconsistent today. We are not sure if it was on our end or not. We froze changes a couple of days before Christmas - expecting the upcoming surge and also general lack of ability to do much during Christmas. Regardless, something broke today. We expect to be able to resolve it tomorrow working with Chess.com (who has been great at supporting this project).

Sorry for the inconsistent play issues. Good news is that Christmas is now 364 days away. This means all customer support levels out, and everyone is back in office to support and resolve.

New features (checkers, more 2 player features, lessons, embedded bots, lichess) - are all much closer than it seems. December was swallowed by Christmas demands on the company - we are now past max q and progress will be much easier and swifter now.

If you are waiting on support, please be patient for a couple of days

Chess.com play and WiFi stuff will be really smooth. Remaining feature development resumes. This was just a very demanding launch and now we are rounding the corner.

I promise these issues were not representative of the ChessUp experience. They are short lived launch bugs. We stick with every customer and issue until resolved.


Some news today - there was a change in the e-board API (interface to Chess.com) on Dec 24th that was meant to be minimal, but affected ChessUp users’ abilities to log in and launch and conduct game play.

We are working with Chess.com to roll back that change. Will share more news soon - when the API is updated and what all issues are resolved.

The change was intended to help ChessUp handle the volume surge. But unfortunately it resulted in inconsistent log in, game launch, and possibly game play as well.

The e-board API is rather new and updates to it are common. I think this is a quick roll back. I will continue to update.

When finished, users may need to log out and log back in to Chess.com on the board - but don’t do that yet, we will share the steps soon.