Hi, I’m playing with AI without the app over the board. The AI is playing white and I’m playing black. When I’m down to two moves to checkmate, and AI draws the games even when there are still available moves to be made.
I’m using board with firmware 1.8.1. I have copy and pasted the pgn here, is this a bug with the board? Anyone have this problem before?
Ps: To clarify, the pgn recorded the white as players and black as another player. But in reality, I’m black and AI is white.
I see the last position of the game was already repeated once. Are you sure it was not repeated a third time (2 moves missing in the pgn)? A 3 fold repetition is a draw.
Ya I’m pretty sure it wasn’t repeated a third time. The record is correct when I downloaded the pgn and analysed the game, the draw was assigned the the moment I made the last move in the pgn. Really don’t know why is that. I played about a dozen games, this is the only one that seems to glitch this particular way.