AI draws the game when there is still moves to be played

Hi, I’m playing with AI without the app over the board. The AI is playing white and I’m playing black. When I’m down to two moves to checkmate, and AI draws the games even when there are still available moves to be made.

I’m using board with firmware 1.8.1. I have copy and pasted the pgn here, is this a bug with the board? Anyone have this problem before?

Ps: To clarify, the pgn recorded the white as players and black as another player. But in reality, I’m black and AI is white.

[Event “Chessup PLAY_OTB}”]
[Site “Chessup Mobile App”]
[Date “1969-12-31-04-00”]
[White “You”]
[Black “Someone”]
[Variant “standard”]
[TimeControl “0+0”]
[Annotator “ChessUp”]
[Result “1/2-1/2”]

  1. d2d3 d7d6 2. Bc1f4 Ng8f6 3. f2f3 g7g6 4. g2g4 Bf8g7 5. e2e4 e7e5 6. Bf4e3
    O-O 7. Ng1e2 Rf8e8 8. a2a4 c7c6 9. b2b4 Bc8d7 10. c2c4 Nb8a6 11. Qd1b3 c6c5
  2. b4b5 Na6b4 13. h2h4 Qd8a5 14. Ke1d1 a7a6 15. g4g5 Nf6h5 16. b5xa6 Ra8xa6 17. Bf1h3
    Bd7c6 18. Nb1a3 Bc6xa4 19. Na3c2 Ba4xb3 20. Ra1xa5 Ra6xa5 21. Be3xc5 Ra5a1+ 22. Ne2c1
    Bb3xc2+ 23. Kd1d2 d6xc5 24. Bh3d7 Re8d8 25. Bd7h3 Nh5f4 26. Bh3g4 Rd8xd3+ 27. Nc1xd3
    Ra1xh1 28. Nd3xb4 c5xb4 29. Kd2xc2 Rh1a1 30. Bg4d7 Ra1a3 31. Bd7g4 b4b3+ 32. Kc2c3
    Nf4e2+ 33. Kc3d2 Ne2d4 34. c4c5 Bg7f8 35. f3f4 e5xf4 36. Bg4c8 Bf8xc5 37. Bc8xb7
    Nd4f3+ 38. Kd2c3 Bc5d4+ 39. Kc3b4 Bd4b2 40. Bb7c6 Nf3d4 41. Bc6d7 Ra3a7 42. Bd7g4
    Ra7b7+ 43. Kb4a5 Bb2c3+ 44. Ka5a6 Rb7e7 45. Ka6b6 Re7xe4 46. Kb6a7 b3b2 47. Bg4f5
    Re4e7+ 48. Ka7b6 Nd4xf5 49. Kb6c6 Re7e6+ 50. Kc6c7 Bc3a5+ 51. Kc7d7 b2b1q 52. Kd7c8
    Re6e8+ 53. Kc8d7 Re8e6 1/2-1/2

I see the last position of the game was already repeated once. Are you sure it was not repeated a third time (2 moves missing in the pgn)? A 3 fold repetition is a draw.

Ya I’m pretty sure it wasn’t repeated a third time. The record is correct when I downloaded the pgn and analysed the game, the draw was assigned the the moment I made the last move in the pgn. Really don’t know why is that. I played about a dozen games, this is the only one that seems to glitch this particular way.

Thanks for reporting - we will check if 3-fold is triggering incorrectly.

The Ai also has a bug fix coming soon where it will avoid 3 fold better.

Thanks Jeff. Should the dev team find out the cause of the issue, please let me know.

We found the bug and fixed it. It will release with the next firmware update (which may be a few weeks).

Thanks for reporting it!

Perfect! Thanks for the technical support.