When playing against the AI (either board, or in the app), I am unable to undo my moves because the board immediately makes its own move.
Not only is this bad for practicing against the AI, where you see you made a mistake and want to undo it, but it’s also bad for when there are mis-inputs (bumping a piece or something) and the board makes a move you didn’t intend to make.
I recall there being plans to add the ability to undo more than one move, at least against AI play. Are there still plans to fix this?
When u want to undo a move don’t make the AI move and just put your own piece a move back.
That Works for me.
But I would love the possibility to make more then one undo .
There is a setting we have in the board for future use that allows people to not allow undos. I suspect that somehow that setting was corrupted. One thing you can try is to change your ALS setting in the General Settings menu. I suggest selecting the low setting so you can see the change and then setting it back to what you want. This sends a settings command to the board which also sets the default undo selection to on. You will be able to undo against the AI with playing in stand alone mode. It won’t work at this moment when playing with the AI on the app. We will make sure to add this functionality in a later app/firmware release. Let me know if that doesn’t fix it.
It could have been something in the settings that got corrupted and needed reset. Or maybe the default when the setting got added in an update was “off” at some point.
Hi Jeff and Justin
I missed the bit on " How to get in to Settings and change ALS mode ?"
Could you please explain or point me to the explanation? IOS user.
I have the same move take back problem that “danegraphics” was battling!
Here is a link on how to change the ALS mode: How to Change ChessUp's LED Brightness - ChessUp Knowledge Base
Change it to low so that you can ensure the change has been made. Then set it to whatever you want. Let me know if this doesn’t fix your undo issue.
Hello Justin
Putting ALS into Lo mode has not fixed the AI take back move problem. The only change is low brightness.
To be clear, ChessUP is in stand alone mode.
You have to put it in low mode, check if the setting is ok, and then change it back to auto or a other setting. That’s how I read the info of JustinF. So low mode->check->change back. Then it should be ok.
Thank you for replying, Criptix.
The takeback works in its own unexpected way.
After you put the pieces back, ChessUP AI just sits there and sulks. You have to make the move for AI with the previously captured piece still in the blunder position.
“Well, thems the breaks.”