OTG game record glitched and no longer records new games

Hi all, I just received my chessup today. Super excited. I played 5 games on the board against AI without using the app. The first 3 games worked as expect. But the 4th game doesn’t load properly when reviewing, nor does analysis work. Because it doesn’t show the entire game, but instead just one scene without any step before or after. And after this glitch, my 5th game doesn’t get recorded at all.

I have tried clearing cache on app, rebooting the app, uninstalling and reinstalling the app, recalibrate the board, re-update the fw of the board, but no luck. The android app seems to pull the games off the board automatically without prompt. And I’m not able to clear the memory in the board, I’m not sure how to start with a clean slate to try again to make sure my board is not broken. Please help!! Does anybody experienced similar problem before? Is there a way to factory restart the board?

I have made sure I tried playing from start to the end properly with checkmate or draw.

I’m using android latest app Version: 2.0.17 (56)
Latest board firmware 1.8.1
Phone is Pixel4A

Ps: I tried copying game 4 to clipboard and look at the record and there seems to have a lot of content but the app just doesn’t read it properly. If you look at the screenshot, game 4, I’m playing white and won, but the screen it is stuck on is the only move it is showing and it is not my game because black is winning instead.

We can get this in the bug reports and work on a fix. Sorry for the issue.

Did this game include an undo by chance?

You mean undo in game 4? I think I might have, yes.

Is there anything you think I could do right now? Any way to factory reset my board, Jeff? Thanks for your help.

I have included the pgn for game 4 here in case it helps with debugging and test. I checked it, the record is correct but the game doesn’t show properly on the app, and since this incident other games dont get recorded.

[Event “Chessup PLAY_OTB}”]
[Site “Chessup Mobile App”]
[Date “1969-12-31-04-00”]
[White “You”]
[Black “Someone”]
[Variant “standard”]
[TimeControl “0+0”]
[Annotator “ChessUp”]
[Result “1-0”]

  1. e2e4 e7e6 2. Ng1f3 Bf8c5 3. d2d4 Bc5f8 4. Nb1c3 c7c6 5. d4d5 c6xd5 6. e4xd5
    e6xd5 7. Nc3xd5 Bf8d6 8. Bf1c4 Nb8c6 9. Nd5c3 Qd8e7+ 10. Nc3e2 Bd6c7 11. Bc1g5 Qe7c5
  2. b2b3 b7b5 13. Bg5e3 Qc5f5 14. Bc4d3 Qf5h5 15. h2h3 Ng8f6 16. Ne2g3 Bc7a5+ 17. Ke1e2
    Qh5d5 18. Qd1c1 d7d6 19. c2c4 b5xc4 20. b3xc4 Qd5e6 21. c4c5 d6d5 22. Nf3g5 Nc6d4+
  3. Ke2f1 Qe6e5 24. Qc1b2 Nd4f3 25. Qb2b5+ Bc8d7 26. c5c6 Qe5xa1+ 27. Bd3b1 Nf3xg5
  4. c6xd7+ Nf6xd7 29. Kf1e2 Ng5xh3 30. g2xh3 Ba5c7 31. Rh1c1 Bc7xg3 32. f2xg3 d5d4
  5. Be3d2 h7h6 34. Bb1f5 d4d3+ 35. Qb5xd3 Qa1e5+ 36. Ke2d1 Nd7c5 37. Qd3b5+ Ke8f8
  6. Rc1xc5 Qe5xg3 39. Qb5d7 Qg3g1+ 40. Bd2e1 Qg1xc5 41. Be1h4 g7g5 42. Bh4g3 Ra8e8
  7. Bg3d6+ Qc5xd6+ 44. Qd7xd6+ Kf8g8 45. Qd6d7 Re8a8 46. Bf5e4 Ra8f8 47. Qd7xa7 Rf8e8
  8. Be4c2 Re8d8+ 49. Kd1c1 Rd8f8 50. a2a4 f7f5 51. Qa7b6 Kg8h7 52. Qb6b7+ Kh7g8 53. a4a5
    Rf8f7 54. Bc2b3 Rh8h7 55. Bb3xf7+ Rh7xf7 56. Qb7b8+ Kg8h7 57. a5a6 Rf7g7 58. a6a7
    Rg7g8 59. Qb8xg8+ Kh7xg8 60. a7a8q+ Kg8h7 61. Qa8b7+ Kh7g6 62. Qb7b6+ Kg6h5 63. Kc1d2
    f5f4 64. Kd2e2 Kh5h4 65. Qb6xh6+ Kh4g3 66. Qh6xg5+ Kg3xh3 67. Qg5xf4 Kh3g2
  9. Qf4f2+ Kg2h1 69. Qf2h4+ Kh1g2 70. Qh4f2+ Kg2h1 71. Qf2f8 Kh1g1 72. Ke2e3 Kg1g2
  10. Qf8g8+ Kg2h2 74. Ke3f2 Kh2h3 75. Qg8g3++ 1-0

Yes - we have a way to flush the games so you can get back to recording.

The undo corruption bug will be fixed soon too - sorry for that.

Let me get the rest of the team to help here so we can at least get you back to recording games.

Ok we have a fix.

First - for the corrupt game - it has nothing to do with the undo. It turns out we have a glitch where we promoted the queen to black rather than white. We will fix that.

Here is your correct PGN (nice win!)

1. e2e4 e7e6 2. Ng1f3 Bf8c5 3. d2d4 Bc5f8 4. Nb1c3 c7c6 5. d4d5 c6xd5 6. e4xd5
e6xd5 7. Nc3xd5 Bf8d6 8. Bf1c4 Nb8c6 9. Nd5c3 Qd8e7+ 10. Nc3e2 Bd6c7 11. Bc1g5 Qe7c5
b2b3 b7b5 13. Bg5e3 Qc5f5 14. Bc4d3 Qf5h5 15. h2h3 Ng8f6 16. Ne2g3 Bc7a5+ 17. Ke1e2
Qh5d5 18. Qd1c1 d7d6 19. c2c4 b5xc4 20. b3xc4 Qd5e6 21. c4c5 d6d5 22. Nf3g5 Nc6d4+
Ke2f1 Qe6e5 24. Qc1b2 Nd4f3 25. Qb2b5+ Bc8d7 26. c5c6 Qe5xa1+ 27. Bd3b1 Nf3xg5
c6xd7+ Nf6xd7 29. Kf1e2 Ng5xh3 30. g2xh3 Ba5c7 31. Rh1c1 Bc7xg3 32. f2xg3 d5d4
Be3d2 h7h6 34. Bb1f5 d4d3+ 35. Qb5xd3 Qa1e5+ 36. Ke2d1 Nd7c5 37. Qd3b5+ Ke8f8
Rc1xc5 Qe5xg3 39. Qb5d7 Qg3g1+ 40. Bd2e1 Qg1xc5 41. Be1h4 g7g5 42. Bh4g3 Ra8e8
Bg3d6+ Qc5xd6+ 44. Qd7xd6+ Kf8g8 45. Qd6d7 Re8a8 46. Bf5e4 Ra8f8 47. Qd7xa7 Rf8e8
Be4c2 Re8d8+ 49. Kd1c1 Rd8f8 50. a2a4 f7f5 51. Qa7b6 Kg8h7 52. Qb6b7+ Kh7g8 53. a4a5
Rf8f7 54. Bc2b3 Rh8h7 55. Bb3xf7+ Rh7xf7 56. Qb7b8+ Kg8h7 57. a5a6 Rf7g7 58. a6a7
Rg7g8 59. Qb8xg8+ Kh7xg8 60. a7a8Q+ Kg8h7 61. Qa8b7+ Kh7g6 62. Qb7b6+ Kg6h5 63. Kc1d2
f5f4 64. Kd2e2 Kh5h4 65. Qb6xh6+ Kh4g3 66. Qh6xg5+ Kg3xh3 67. Qg5xf4 Kh3g2
Qf4f2+ Kg2h1 69. Qf2h4+ Kh1g2 70. Qh4f2+ Kg2h1 71. Qf2f8 Kh1g1 72. Ke2e3 Kg1g2
Qf8g8+ Kg2h2 74. Ke3f2 Kh2h3 75. Qg8g3++ 1-0

Second - in order to flush the game history.

  1. download an app called lightBlue:

This is a tool to interface directly with the boards blue tooth

  1. Connect to the chessup and send byte “0xBF”. If you prefer we walk through the steps to send the byte, we will reach out by email and chat with you to get through it.

I tried three more games (#6,7,8) since yesterday game #5 that didn’t save. To my surprised, game #6 saved, but not 7 and 8. Game #6 is saved as 5 in my app, and I reviewed it, it looks correct, everything is recored from move 1 to checkmate. Games 7 and 8 were also simple games as well, but I don’t understand what I did different so that 6 was saved but not 7 and 8.

Do you think flushing the game history on the board would correct this? Because yesterday we thought so, because Game 4 queen promote corrected the pgn. But somehow game 6 was saved and it is not glitched. I’m thinking if there is a way to factory reset the entire board so I could start my board over, wouldn’t that be easier?

I hope in future update, factory reset and game history delete/edit would be implimented. I tried downloading and launching the Light Blue app, chessup board does not show up. I don’t know how it work since I couldn’t go further if the device cannot be found.

Veronica from our team will reach out by email and walk you through the steps. This is the way to reset the game memory to factory. We do not have the command in the app yet - but it will be there in the future.

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I think I found out how to let my board save game properly!

I tested one more time, playing game 9. This time I tried mimicking the conditon of game 6 which is before I used my phone to check game save, etc. I disconnected Bluetooth on my phone, closed the chessup app, restarted my board. There, I tested game 9. After the game which ended up a draw (I notice it is very easy draw the AI at lvl 6 when I’m losing), I checked again by turing on BT on my phone, log into chessup app, and vola – Game 9 was uploaded to my phone after a few seconds of wait. And I check game 9, everything was as intented, saved correctly.

So, the problem is, OTG AI games will only be save when the board is not connected to the board. Even if the phone screen is off, but if the BT is on and the chessup app is still running in the background, the board is still somehow connected, I checked this to be true. When the phone-board communication is established, games will not be saved. So my assumption of the games not saving due to the glitching of game 4 was a misunderstanding, it was only a coincidence. Game 1-3 was saved properly because my phone was not involved with the board in any way. Game 4 was the same connection, so it was saved but glitched due to a wrong queen promote.

Will this problem be fixed? Because it seems like once we know what’s causing it, it wouldn’t be hard to correct. Of course, I will try more times under the same condition to double and triple check, but so far, this explanation explains every instance of successful game record and unsuccessful game record. Is this the same for everyone else? Or is it just because of my board… can anyone verify, Jeff?