I’m curious what is the number in the analysis bar useful for, if anything?
I’m curious what is the number in the analysis bar useful for, if anything?
That is the evaluation number from stockfish. It is equivalent material advantage of the position. The unit can be thought of as 1 = 1 pawn.
In traditional material scoring:
1 = pawn
3 = knight, bishop
5 = rook
9 = queen
Chess engines like stockfish (that we use) look forward many moves and give an equivalent “score” for the current position. It is not directly the material on the board right now, but reflects what will happen in the future.
Hi Jeff and thanks for the quick reply. I’ve found the analysis feature to be quite useful particularly right after a game while it’s still fresh in my mind. I’m not sure this has been suggested but what would make it even more useful in the future is the ability to touch the pieces on screen and see the chessup colors. Would be a great way to explore what would have been better moves during the course of the game.
Lastly my replayed analysis games are showing up in my history. Is this normal?
Are you on Android or iOS? Replayed analysis games should not show up in your history. I will share this with our software team once you confirm which platform you are on.
It may be the same as the bug I reported on IOS a while back where games gets copied when clicking on them. It doesn’t copy when c!icking on the magnifier. It also deletes all copies including the original one when you select one of them and delete it.
Great! That’s helpful. I do see that bug report and I know our SW team is working on that. I will add your comment about the game analysis to the bug. Thanks!
How do you delete the unwanted copies on iOS?
Unfortunately you can’t delete unwanted copies at this time without deleting also the original. For future games -until this bug is fixed- you have to make sure to click on the magnifier of the game you want to review. As soon as you click next to the magnifier to open the game, it will create a copy (each time).