Releasing on iOS very soon and Android in 1~2 months (July is best guess)
Dumping positions into Stockfish is all very well, and certainly has value in locating the moment when the most important mistakes were made. However, I think there’s potential for something more useful to novices here: illustrating the structure of a position.
Instead of running a tactical search, highlight which squares are controlled by either side (and how), which pieces are poorly defended or pinned in place, directions from which the kings are vulnerable, and conversely attacking features such as connected rooks, X-ray attacks, or batteries. If you can find some way to display these features on the board itself, so much the better.
Incidentally, I plugged the critical position at 1:27 in the video into my old Saitek Kasparov computer. It instantly recommended Qc2. This defends against the possibility of Black trapping your queen with …Qf5, where the best you can do is to exchange queens and maybe lose some more material into the bargain. Your d5 move does nothing about this threat, and also allows Black to simultaneously open the c-file for its rook and create two passed pawns with …cxd5. That’s just what I can see in the position, and I’m far from an expert!
After d5, the Saitek recommends the same sequence of moves played in the game, in which Black just gobbles free material (which would have been defended by Qc2), up to Black’s knight move where it instead recommends …Rf4. After this, the position must be tactically complex since the computer changes its mind about the best move several times (eg. exd7, Qh5, and even briefly considering doing something with the rook on a1) before settling on Qd3.
That looks really useful. Presume it all works on iOS? I’m waiting for my board in UK. Latest is may leave warehouse 18th and arrive late June.
Will this score also be visible when playing a game against the AI? The current score is just counting points (e.g. one pawn ahead) and not taking into account the position, like this new analysis function has.
Hi Martin - yes this is in the latest iOS.
We did not plan to add it as a live evaluation - but it technically could be done. We will see about adding that into the features.
I asked a similar question on the old forum when ChessUp was just released and the plan then was to show this live during play and would be added later in the app. I use more chess programs that use the Stockfish engine and all of them show the evaluation of the position. The current score is just too simplistic for a high end chess computer like ChessUp.
We might need to reformat the buttons for iPad. I will forward to the iOS team. Thanks for reporting
Hi guys
If you could in the end add an analyses like the Chess app chessis ( I am on Android) with the option to play on the board from a position or to guess the best move that would be great!
Check out the app to see.
Great way to really learn from mistakes.
On the Kickstarter video, it was mentioned that the analysis could allow us to explore different lines (showing different color code depending of the strength of the line). This feature could help us to know a posteriori why a move, that we didnot play because of the red color from the assist, was bad and what should have been the consequences if we have play this move.
It was also talk about a learn button to know why a specific move was suggested.
Do you plan to add these features in the analysis? Thanks
The learn button is in the app (it is the crystal ball icon).
The analysis shown in the kickstarter video:
^That has a text box to show the best move vs move played. We will add that to analysis soon. Or was there another aspect of the analysis you were looking for?
Thanks Jeff, this is exactly this feature I was talking about. Concerning the Crystal ball feature the corresponding button is not display on iPad. I saw it on my phone but I thought that is for assistance when you have a Limited number of assist. I will try it ! Thanks.