Any updates on on-board LiChess support?

I’d love to be able to play on Lichess (and also specifically against the bots that are on my friends list).

Any updates on when this will become available?

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See this post for roadmap.

We will release in March - sorry for the wait.

You can use our app or Chess Connect to play with the board on lichess for the short term.

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I have chess connect extension on MacBook but am not sure how to use it with the chessup 2 for lichess/chesscom. Can anyone provide some instructions on what to do to utilize it?

It’s rather simple.

Open the extension since you need to select the correct board model, in this case ChessUp.

Then open Lichess. You will be prompted to accept something related to sending moves over Bluetooth.

And that was it as far as I can remember. I didn’t risk it playing a rated game the first time. I played a bot. Everything worked as it was supposed to.

I even set the extension to announce the moves out loud, which I think it’s a great feature.

The author of the extension has this great video where he shows what I explained (the extension connection setup starts around half through the video):


Thank you!

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