After initial startup, I was able to access and ChessUp through the boards touch screen. When pushing the Other Platforms button, nothing happened. Even after shutting off the board and restarting it, and making sure all of the pieces were setup, same issue. I took a video, but it says its too large to upload. Its late, so I’ll try and make a private YouTube video and post a link.
There is nothing hooked up there yet. Lichess is not coded currently.
There are a ton of functions still to push in the coming weeks (including our bots). The UI will completely change too.
The software you have on there is basically what we made last spring to video prototype demos. It does work with though - other functions coming soon.
Very much appreciate all the feedback. This is what we were hoping with out of people in the pilot run group.
For others reading wondering what is going on - we distributed 50 boards without final software so we can test features with a bigger group than just our office. These are our pilot run testers - and the software is not the actual launch software. That we will push out week by week over the next 8 weeks.
I had the same problem with that “Other Platforms” button. Thanks to Jeff for explaining the current status.
I could connect to Lichess via the app and play an online game.
Hello Mister Jeff,I have a question about the upcoming software and other platforms button. Is it possible to install software update on my chess up 2 board when the fix of other platforms button and some other additional stuff will come out,will it be possible to instal update through chess up app? or I have to get new chess up board with new version of the chess up software. Sorry for that kind of paranoic question,and sorry for bothering. I just want to make sure if it’s possible to instal upcoming software update and interface,as well as other platforms button fix,if I already bought the current version of the board.
It updates via the app and also can update itself via wifi
Thank you so much for replying.