Are the pieces for sale for Chessup 2 compatible with Chessup 1?

Are the pieces for sale for Chessup 2 compatible with Chessup 1? I was looking to possibly buy some more checkers pieces and possibly a new set of chess pieces and was disappointed to see nothing available for my original ChessUp board.

Also, I seem to recall that Othello/Reversi had originally been planned but nothing since the Kickstarter phase. Or did I make that up in my head?


Yes - but we have ChessUp 1 pieces too. You will want to buy ChessUp 1 because they are slightly different shapes. Please email us and we can set up a piece order for ChessUp 1.

We never had that on the list that I recall. We did originally mention 7x7 Go, perhaps that is what you are recalling? We eventually cut Go because of the excessive piece count required (almost 100 for 7x7).

I would like to get to other 8x8 games at some point, but I think 2025 will be all chess features.

Hi Jeff - I will send an email shortly. Not ready to place an order just yet, but will inquire about the prices for both extra queens, chess sets and checkers. Thanks!


*Checkers are the exact same for both - just FYI.

Hi Jeff,
How is the durability of the board surface in terms of the checker pieces dragging and possibly scuffing the board?

The chess pieces have felt but the checker pieces do not. I’ve been having my kids pick up and put down the pieces but of course they want to slide them (me too :hugs:).

Have there been durability tests on scuffing from playing extensively with checkers, in particular, when you slide the pieces?

Good question.

The board playing surface has a thin and clear physical hard coat layer on it. It is extremely durable, especially to sliding and such.

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