I am used in a lot of cases the prices in dollar are the same amount in Euro. It seems with the chessup 2 the price for the netherlands is much higher. Although I had the chessup in my basket I started to wonder, since there are quit a few issues with piece recognition, how this will be dealt with outside warranty. I do not see options to buy this seperately. Also not for the Chessup 1. So this makes me hesitate to invest a lot of money as a starter. Can someone provide the community with more information? (Also it is not clear on the website that when you buy the set an extra set of queens is included. Had to search for reviews on youtube where I also stumbled on pieces that were not recognized)
I have the same fear. It would have been nice to have at least one spare pawn e.g., in the promotion kit (even if not pertinent for a promotion).
Hi - ChessUp 2 does come with an extra set of Queens. I was one of the people with a bad piece (a black pawn). I contacted the company and they shipped out a new that arrived the next day.
Spare pieces are available now for purchase
Hope this helps
Hi… Thanks for the feedback. They hide some information really well :). I see the pieces are around 10-15 euro including shipment. So hope they will be available also after the warranty period. Fingers crossed the one that works keep working.
It will cost me an arm and a leg… but just need one arm to move the pieces of my just ordered new chessboard !! Yes… I took the risk
(Hallo buurman, ik ben van België)
If the piece works well in the beginning it will keep working. Not something that changes over time.
If a faulty piece is there when opening you can reach out via email and they will fix this for you.
The bad pieces is a residu of the first factory batch. In next batches so in the future it’s not gone be a problem no more. There are post here where Jeff explained how and what.
With the board there are an extra Queen for White and Black. There is also an promotion pack available (I have it for ex) with rook, knight, bisschop and a Queen for each color. So I have 3 Queens .
( Hoi buurman… zelf nog even in Turnhout gewoond dus ook landgenoot )
Ok. So it was an issue with a specific batch. My worries were because I also had an alarm system with faulty RFID chips. They just stopped working after a while. Issue with the board is if just one piece does not function you can not play at all. Just waiting in excitement for the board now and hope it meets my expectations !!! Just installed the apps of Chess, Lichess and Chessup to practice a bit and be prepared for my first match on the board.
Yes - confirming that a good piece is essentially good forever. The felt wears, but there is nothing that ages about the electronics.
Bad pieces are caused by a factory mis-sort and was an unfortunate issue with the first batch. But we make sure to get everyone full working sets.