ChessUp 2 - Checkers

Has anyone been able to succesfully launch a checkers game? Does not seem to recognize any of the checkers pieces.

Chess works flawlessly.

Checkers is coming in a future update. It’s not implemented yet on the board.
From what i know it won’t take long to be activated.

Good to know! Maybe a note on the checker pieces sold separately would have been a nice touch to avoid probably unnecessary customer service inquiries. :wink:

What is “not too long” so I can manage the expectations of my little ones?


They told me January or end of December

It was delayed because of small company issues -half of our team is on customer service emails the past two weeks (where is my order, bad pawn, etc). We will clear that next week because Christmas passes and everyone is made whole - then we will finish the checkers User Interface. The code already exists other than the user interface.

Sorry for the delay. Our business is very seasonal with Christmas and support exploded this year due to record # of units sent out and also new product support.


Exactly. And this means until now, the first ChessUp board is actually more advanced than the new ChessUp 2 :joy::smiley:

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Customer service is working well - within 3 hours of reporting my faulty piece it is being resolved. I am sure the faulty piece issue is an unexpected headache for the company but they seem to be dealing with it well during a holiday period.