Blitz 5+5 time control on ChessUp 2


I have a question, is it possible right now to play 5min+5s time control on ChessUp 2 (without using the app)?
The highest blitz time control is see in settings is 5 minutes no increment, but I believe having 5+5 available would be very useful - it’s the longest blitz format ChessDotCom offers and in my opinion the only blitz that is reasonably playable on ChessUp.
If it’s somehow available and I simply don’t see it then please help me find it and if not - please tell me whether it will be added soon :slight_smile:

Thank you!

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It is coming - and also I agree this is the ideal format for ChessUp 2.

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That’s great to hear! Any (even rough) estimate when that’s going to happen?

Probably ~1 week



is there any update on this? I’m really wanting to play 5+5 and 10+5 time controls.

I received my board a few days ago and have been absolutely loving it! Keep up the great work!

I think it’s on the roadmap and will come very soon

Think the update with more tme controles will be release thursday.

1.4.2 comes out tomorrow and has 5+5

Additional formats will be added shortly after that as well (like 10+5).


I’m looking forward for 10+5 since in 10 mins time control, in time scrambles, I loose most of the games.