Hi everyone, I am a perpetual beginner and have been nearly exclusively been using the 10 min rapid game control on my ChessUp2. I am going to switch to a slower time control to help improve my playing as it takes me some time to calculate complex positions and I sometimes find myself in a time scramble which is not ideal when you are moving both sides.
I thought it would be interesting to find out what people are playing?
I play 10 min mostly but I find 15 | 10 a better time format for this board to practice and avoid losses for time scrambles which happens a lot in 10 | 0, so I started playing more of 15|0. Also tried 5 | 5 and it’s not bad, similar to 10 min format in total time but at least you’ve some increment to move the pieces so the endgames are smoother. I’m also a beginner, didn’t try 30 min yet.
I am playing 15/10, it is good time format for me but I am so bad at rapid chess than even at 15/10, I manage to loose on time when playing more complicated game. I will probably try 30 minutes game a bit more but it is so sad when your opponent is a “staller”.
I’m playing exclusively 30 mins as I like to have the time that I don’t feel too rushed - having said that normally there’s 10-20 of time in total left so thinking on trying 15 | 10 as ‘stallers’ are killing me in 30
Anyone play and 15 | 10 and 30 and see much of a difference?
You should play the longest time control needed for you to avoid running out of time. At a minimum, 15/10 but don’t sweat 30 minute or 60 minute games. 15/10 is my favorite. It rushes me in the end game but not too much.
I typically run 10 minute matches but lately have been doing 15/10 and 30 minutes primarily because it allows me more time to think strategically about my moves and what my opponent is planning. I am new to chess and when under time pressure, i tend to blunder. Longer time formats is definitely helping me improve my game by simply slowing down.
Hey guys, just got my board, love it. I tried a few 3+3 in chess.com and its just brutal, but I love the adrenaline rush even if I do lose 90%, but it does get stressful after about 5 games. Now I am doing 10+10, whichi is a little more civilised.
I don’t see the point playing with a time control if you don’t like time pressure, and that is fine for most of us.
I might be in the minority, but I would like to see classic time controls i.e. 60 minute games or longer incorporated into the board. I play “daily” games on chessdotcom almost exclusively because I like to take my time.
You are maybe minority but so I am as well. I prefer “daily” as well and would like to have the 60 minutes option for OTB even if this means to face “Stallers”.