Can't change profile picture


When I try to change my profile picture it doesn’t save any changes.
I tried the removing option, I tried adding a new picture.

Some one having troubles with this?



On the webbrowser I could change my profile picture.

Hi - Are you talking about in the app or in the forum?


The app.

Depending on how you logged into the app - we pull the profile picture from different places. For example, if you logged in use google authentication, then it pulls from google.

Which platform are you on, iOS or Android? I will have the developers help in the thread.


I’m logged in via google so that will be the reason.
I’m running it on android

Ah - that is the cause then. Whatever pic you have on your google account is what will show up. I am not sure if google offers a way to substitute the pic specific to different sites/apps.

I will also ask the devs about the ability to override the google pic.


Thank you