What is the best way to switch chess.com logins?

I’m very happy with how the board is working. My kids like to play too so we have to log out on the board then go to the app and login and connect them. It’s not super time consuming but I’m wondering if there is a faster way or if there will be a more convenient way in the future. I’m working during the day and they can’t change accounts without my phone.

I believe they said that it will be possible to switch users on the board itself. But I don’t know when, it’s not in the feature list from now untill March but it will be possible.

Currently you have to go to settings ->log out, and repeat the login.

We will fix this to retain multiple accounts on the board in the future

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Please hurry up on this one. Very much requested by my kids! :blush:
Great board, we are loving it. Account switching would be a big deal for our family.