Unable to edit profile last name

This is for iOs on the app. If I click the ‘ChessUp’ online mode, I get the error message “Your profile is missing a(n) last name. You will need this to be logged into the ChessUp Community Platform.” When I go to profile, select edit profile, I seem to be unable to enter a last name.

I do log in with Google, but did not have a last name setup. I went and updated this, logged out, and logged back in, but it seems to have my old setting still entered, and I am unable to enter the last name.

In have a similar problem. I can’t change my pseudo in my profile of the Chessup app 2.2.4 (iOS). I can edit it but it does not save. Î’d like to get it in sync with my pseudo on Lichess and ChessDotCom. Also, I changed my photo and it was successfully saved but it doesn’t show on the starting page of the App after a restart.

I will pass along to iOS dev - thanks for reporting

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I have the same problem (Android). Every time I start the app, it says there is a problem with the profile. There is an exclamation mark in the last name field. But I cannot successfully make changes. I am logged into the app with Google.

Same here. I’ve reported this bug a long time ago.

Is that something that’ll be fixed soon?

This is planned to be updated in the next Android release.

When will this be released?

Hi support, following up on this. Every time I open the app, it forces me to edit the profile, which is not editable. Can you let us know when this issue will be fixed on android?

I have the same issue on android. I should add that I’m logging in via google profile. I’m pretty sure the problem with my name being “invalid” is because I have an accented letter (é) in my last name. I can seemingly correct it in the chessup app, but the next time it reappears presumably because the info is synced from my google profile each time and thus it get’s reset - since I have not changed anything on google profile.

Once the next Android release testing is finished we will release it. I know it can be a nuisance, but if you dismiss the screen for making changes, you should be able to continue playing.

The Android release for this is now live. Version 2.2.3

Nice. The pop-up reminder on each app opening has disappeared.

The last name is still not editable though, but I guess I shouldn’t care about it since the annoying reminder is gone.

I am still not able to change my pseudo either (on iOS).

HorseyMover, do you use Facebook or Google sign in for your account? Since those are part of an external account those aren’t editable. I’m looking at some options so names are a little more flexible.

I probably used Google. I don’t remember to be honest, but I’m most certain it was google. I don’t really care much if they’re editable, but they’re marked with red question marks, both screen name and last name.

For the last name, maybe you could just make it optional? Since it already is, technically. That way the app won’t react to a name being empty.

And as for the screen name, it says “not a valid user name”. Maybe because it’s not unique? But I didn’t choose, it’s just there for me. I don’t know. But I can’t change it. It’s editable, but when I save, nothing happens.

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