Checkers Pieces Imperfections

Hi there!

Well, I just couldn’t resist the temptation of buying the checkers pieces, even though I do not know the rules at all.

I was also crushed by the easiest A.I, hopefully I’ll get better fast :face_holding_back_tears:

When I was storing the pieces I noticed these very visible imperfections in the pieces. Is this normal?

It is definitely more visible on the black pieces but the white pieces are also like that.

I’m just a bit surprised since the chess pieces are flawless.

Any thoughts?

That is the gate on the injection mold. We can hide it on the chess pieces (it is covered with felt).

Unfortunately, there is no where to hide it on the checkers pieces. Often people will partially hide it with rougher texturing on the mold.

The black material with a glossier finish shows it. Especially in a stack when you can see the contrast piece to piece.

I wish we had done a heavier texture, but as-is today, all pieces have that mark.

Understood Jeff!

Anyway, they work fine which is the only important thing.
