login via chessup app

I have had to change my password several times because i keep getting something from saying they changed my password and they want me to reset my password. I did 3 times and it still wont let me connect to via the app. But I’m logged into the app without issues and on the board. Anyone else having this issue?

I had the same problem. I fixed it by tapping on my board before attempting to sign in. Hope that helps!

Tapping? Do you mean logging on the board or signing out on the board ?

Going to the screen that says you need to log in on the app to use and then signing in from the app.

After a few tries it finally logged me in on the app. Hopefully it will stay logged in this time. I’ve had that account for too many years to lose it. Thanks.

Glad it is working. For anyone else having to re-login, it works best if the board prompts the app: