ChessCom Bot History in App


First of all, I just want to say that I love my ChessUp 2 and thank you for the work that’s being done to improve it :slight_smile:

I was wondering if it is normal that when playing chessCom bots, the games do not show up in my chessCom history, although games against real people do show up in the history.

Is this intended? If so, is it on the roadmap to implement bot games history for

If that helps, I’m using an Android phone.

Thanks again!

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Hi - welcome to the forum.

The bot games not saving is known - and being addressed. is going to start saving all bot games on their platform. We are not sure of the date yet, but we expect to be able to share the date soon.

If the date is reasonable, we will wait for to implement. If the date is too far out, we will need to address it ourselves with a workaround (TBD)


Awesome, I am really looking forward to that feature, so that I can analyze the games I play with bots OTB. I hope it will happen soon.

We are still waiting on that date from This is a platform wide change for them (not just smart boards) - so it is a major thing. They have not provided a date yet.

We thought we were getting a date last week, but alas no date yet. I think they are taking the date provided serious (which is good), but also means they are going to be cautious with the committed date.

When we know, I will share here.