games not showing in the history tab

When I start a game on from the board the match doesn’t show up in the match history tab on the app. If I start a match from the app then the games shows in the history for me to analyze. Is that something that hasn’t been implemented yet or something that is wrong on my end. I’m on iOS so not sure if the changes things.

That is weird! Is it a bot game? Because that is the only known issue I’ve seen reported here.

Are you playing bots?

Bot games are not saved by yet - they are expecting to add that in the next couple of months

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I never play against bots. I strictly just play online vs others in 10/5 format

Ah - yes, you are talking about our app.

That game is in history - but on the app.

We are currently not pushing those to our database.

Is there a feature in our app that you would want the history there?

That makes sense! Thank you for the quick reply. I think just having the ability to analyze the games. If you don’t pay for a subscription you only get 1 free analysis a day so when I play multiple games I can’t analyze them all. I’m also not sure if this is possible but when analyzing a game through the chess up app, if the board could also light up green and red with the best and worst moves. Would be pretty cool to see but not sure if that’s possible.


As a hobbyist programmer that is not quite possible, they would need to develop their own game review function (distinct from the one on and that probably won’t happen, at least for a while. If you want game review then getting a subscription is your best bet, and I think lichess has some free features that might work if you manually input all your moves.

But the app has it’s own game review already… and actually you can already analyze your lichess games there, so not sure how different could be to do the same with the games…

When the game happens on the app, we record it. When it happens on direct from the board, we currently do not record it.

We will fix this in the future

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