Could we build game review/puzzles into the board?

I would love to use game review locally on the board, (scroll through the game with arrow buttons on the bottom, see coach insights at the top and analysis bar on the side) so I don’t have to go back and forth to the computer. If you have your own chessup game review feature, I would like to see that too.
If the board can use’s puzzles, the new puzzle system implemented by would let us not be penalized as much for setting up the board first, losing time. Or I thought about using the screen to allow us to use pawns like a cursor (place on the square of the piece you want to move, drag to destination square) to implement puzzles. These features would be EPIC and are at the top of my wishlist for now. (would be extra cool if you guys built your own puzzle library as well.)
These are mostly to make the experience more complete with but a lot of people may not love these features and want them as much as I do.

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  • I would like built in game review
  • I would like built in puzzles with either setup or pawn cursor
  • I do not want these features for the time being
0 voters

For @jeff and the team, can you add this to the features list? I added a poll for people to tell if they would want these features.

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Keep this momentum! These are features we need and should not expect to have in a ChessUp 3 board they should and must be in a ChessUp 2 board. Jeff has created a great product, but we are greedy for learning, so our demands will be high.

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