Hi everyone,
So it’s been a couple of months I’ve had the board and I’m quite happy with it! Thanks for the team and all the hard work that has been put into making such a cool thing for the players
However I feel like I’m missing a couple of things or maybe I’m not using the features properly.
1- I would like to have a mode where I can choose the opening I would want to learn and have the AI play against me where I can see best moves (or AI suggesting them), take back moves if I want to try some other line and just play around to see what would happen if I did this or that move.
Kind of like what’s possible on chesscom with the game review.
It’s very important for me, as a beginner, to see what would happen if I choose to do this move instead of that one, what are the implications down the line, and what is the best move and why … I believe that’s important for the learning process especially for the openings.
2- After playing a game on the board I would like to be able to review it on the board and not through the app. Otherwise I don’t see any usefulness to play it over the board. The goal of the board is to get away from the screen and play “real” chess. So if each time I need to review something or learn something I have to go back to my phone, it defeats the purpose.
3- I always seem to have a time issue when playing on chess.com. Although I move as quickly as possible and I except a couple of seconds to be taken from the clock but when it’s my turn again I find myself losing tens of seconds. I don’t know if it’s a sync problem or something else but because of that I don’t play rated games on chesscom to not loose because of the time which happens too often to my liking.
4- When I’m on wifi I saw on other threads that the AI is the strongest. But do I have to go through the app for that ? I put the bot at level 12 and still see that it messes up easy wins for it.
5- The editor still doesn’t recognize castling. Is this going to be fixed or am I missing something.
Thank you for your feedback. It’s much appreciated