A couple suggestions

It would be nice if, at the end of a chess.com game, the screen gave options to add friend, say “good game,” or report a player. This has likely already been suggested and I missed it.


I like this idea. I also wish we could see the move count during an online game


You should probably ask @Criptix. If I read the posts right he’s responsible for the feature list


I’ll put these good ideas on the feature list. Don’t know if it’s for Jeff and his team or for chess.com but we can always ask via the list :wink:.

Thx for refering me @Clemsisco.

Is the feature list available anywhere for us to see? I’ve seen some posts about upcoming features, but it would be cool to see what is coming next and what has already been suggested.

@Criptix posted this with info about upcoming features with a rough time frame.

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And there will be a ranking poll with the features that aren’t on that list soon. There ppl will be able to rank the features from high priority till lowest.
So the developers know what most users want first.

But first the problems with chess.com games have to get 100% in order and then the available list will be implemented first.


Hi Criptix, I was just curious (for a far future feature), would it be possible to have the board test you on board Vision/Coordinates/movement?
Both Chess.com and Lichess have a trainer where it displays a coordinate (or movement) and you have to touch or click the square. You try to get as many correct in 30 seconds. Maybe the screen can display a coordinate and you use a pawn to stamp down on the correct square (and then drag to the correct square if quizzing on movement)

There are a few options that could go along with it, like the option for the coordinate to stay or continue to the next one even if the player gets it wrong. Or light up the correct square or not when the player gets it wrong.

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