Forum Suggestions regurgitated

Hi - a few suggestions to minimize confusion for members.

First, create an Updates section in the forum with mirror posts from the main product site regarding IOS, Android, and Firmware Updates. These would be pinned and read-only. Issues to be reported in General subforum and/or via Bug Form.

Second, link to Report a Software Bug form in a pinned, with submission instructions within a pinned thread.

Third, pinned & read-only links to the Knowledge Base and PDF Manual Download.

Fourth, and most important, a link to the ChessUp forum from the Product page.


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Most of this is organized here:

^has the knowledge base, bug reporting, version notes, etc. That is directly linked on the main landing page.

The forum is not linked yet - and won’t be for a while. We are going to be overhauling some things about the main site and we will connect it at the appropriate time.

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