Some suggestions:
-Save the Rated? on option, and be able to start without being asked each time
-Hide the player ratings (on the board, and app)
-Ability to set/switch profiles to be able to have different users in the same home playing (maybe autoswitching depending with whos phone’s app you connect?)
-Change the screen on board when you start a game through the app, to indicate you’re using the app and hiding the menu (avoid it being an eyesore)
Regarding the hiding player rating feature, both and lichess have them, thus also the suggestion!
Why I used the app? It was a lichess game so had to go through the app.
Also regarding that lichess game, at some point the app didn’t register my opponent’s move, and their time went down on the app. I then opened lichess to analyze the game, but the game was still going on. I finished playing on the lichess site, the app didn’t register/update anything, until the game finished where the result screen appeared, and the board flashed.