I saw a video that showed how you must connect and start a game on the app in order for a game played to show up on your Chesscom archive. Will the ability to start the game on the board and it save to your profile archive be a feature added at some point?
All Chess.com random games are saved (without app involved).
All OTB 2 player games are saved (and accessed through the app).
They may have been talking about Chess.com bot games?
If so - for now yes - soon to be fixed though
Thanks for clarifying that
Jeff, just wanted to share that none of my OTB 2 player games have been saving in the app, even when they are played to completion.
Are you setting these up with the app, or purely playing on the board by itself?
(*both should work, just want to know which software engineer to ping)
Could you provide iOS/Android, app version and the full scenario? Any games played with the app connected should be saved immediately. For OTB games played without the app, there is a connection that has to be established, gather the games, save them to your profile and there might be a pull to refresh needed in the UI. You can provide here, or DM me and we’ll dig into this
@Jeff @grabbe, these have all been OTB 2 player games that are set up on the board. Whether or not the app is connected while playing, the game does not show up in history. I’ve played quite a few scholar’s mate games to test different scenarios and haven’t gotten anything to save to the app.
iOS version 2.2.3, Main Firmware 1.1.0
I actually haven’t been able to set up a 2 player OTB game through the app. I get to this screen on the app, but the board behaves like no game has been started (squares only light up when a piece is moved from its starting spot to tell me to move it back). Interestingly, when I touch a piece on the board, possible moves light up on the app but not on the board.
Neither of these are a huge deal to me personally, but happy to help troubleshoot.
We need to work through this on our side. It should all work. Thanks for reporting
Is there a way to play 2 player OTB and then analyse it on chess.com?
For example being able to export the PGN from the app?
You have to select the listed game for a few seconds and then you will see this screen:
From here I usually just copy and paste it in chess.com analysis.
Ah, I was trying long hold and nothing happens, however there is a magnifying glass, which was not the symbol I was expecting to open options for the game…