Seeing played games in app after connecting

after finishing a game on the board, not connected to the app, either against a person or against the AI, is it possible to somehow access these games afterwards when I connect the board to the app.
I was under the impression that the board saves a certain amount of games while offline. Is that true? If so, how do I get the game files from them?

Yes - these games are saved in the board. Usually 50+ games worth can fit.

When you connect the app, it will prompt you to upload the games.

There is one condition - the game must be played to completion (i.e. checkmate, stalemate, draw). Only then is it recorded.

If you are not getting the prompt in the app, please let me know your phone info and we can troubleshoot.

The game was played to completion!

I am on the newest android app, and all I see is this

Ok thanks - let me ask the developers. The game is there for sure (in the board) - we may have to fix the upload prompting.

*Not in the released version of Android yet (I thought it was). Coming soon though.

iOS can pull the game off the board.

Alright, good to know! Thanks for the quick help!

I had the same issue on Android this morning.

Android dev said he is working on this next week.

Finally getting back to ChessUp… played a game today against the board (firmware current) by itself and won. Do not see a prompt to upload it to the Android App (update current). I guess that’s why I can’t see it on the App. The last note here from 14 Jul says it’s being worked on… or am I doing something wrong?

Also but unrelated, I noticed that Calibration via the App is no longer a thing - so some of the Support notes are out-of-date. This raises the question: are you doing an updated version of the PDF Manual?

Got SAVE to App to work! Thanks BryghtLabsBae :chess_pawn:!