How do you play a daily game via chessdotcom on Chessup 2?

A brief google search says it can be done, at least on Chessup 1 but when I start a game via the phone app it doesn’t seem to connect to the board.

Hi - Can you link the google result?

We have not added daily game support yet.

Sorry it is not a feature yet, but I also want to make sure we don’t have bad info out there.

It is a popular enough request that we will be addressing it in 2025

Awesome. Thanks Jeff.

Hi Jeff, I did asked this question on Kickstarter and you replied that yes it was possible. But as far as I know this was private message.

The API for online play does not include daily games so it is something that has to be addressed in the future. I am not sure if we were aware of the different ChessCom systems in April/May.

It is on the list - just requires some things that are out of our control to happen. is also on board to do a lot of things, but there is a pace to it

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