How do you setup a game against a friend who also has a ChessUp2 board?

I have been attempting to setup a game with a friend who also has a ChessUp2 board, through chesscom. It seems invites using the board interface, and sending an invite to a connected friend does not produce a notification on their board. Using the ChessUp app itself, and sending an invite through the connection in the app seems to work to some degree, however it seems like there are issues with some squares lighting up when they aren’t being played. Also, when using this method, the clock does not show on either board, and the usual interface of usernames & pieces does not show either.

So what is the correct way to setup a game between two users through chesscom when both users are using the ChessUp2 board?

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Shockingly, the board doesn’t have this feature available yet. It’s being added in v4.0, which is supposed to come in early February. If you look through this thread, you’ll see some workarounds until then: Feature Road Map

Thank you for sharing this, that is what I was looking for! It looks like an early possibly February release so that is fantastic. A lot of other great updates included in the roadmap, which is exciting.

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