It happened again

My board said that my opponent’s timer was running out and then lost on time. The main reason I have a chessup 2 board is that I don’t own a phone, and I’ve had this problem before.

The game was Chess: ChessCubesAndCode vs Roscoe236 - . I was super upset that I lost rating points while my board said it wasn’t my turn. Need a fix now as this is a deal-breaking issue for me.

I got no error messages, had a strong connection, ect… but the issue still occurred. What gives? :angry:

I understand the frustration - we are working on the fix.

You can use this trick to observe games in play until resolved:

The developers are looking at your game log now.

The fix takes a bit to finish

Thanks, I don’t play seriously enough to worry about 8 rating points, but it would be nice to know what update the fix would come in.