Disconnections in ChessUp Online Mode (ChessUp 2 vs. ChessUp 2)

I’ve seen a lot about chess .com disconnections and know they’re being worked on, but I haven’t seen much about bugs in ChessUp Online mode so I figured I would document some things I was seeing last night.

My friend and I played two games of ChessUp 2 vs. ChessUp 2 in ChessUp Online Mode, and we didn’t get to finish either of them due to disconnections. In the first game, I made a move that was registered by my board, but it seemed like the move didn’t make it to my phone/the server somehow. So there was nothing to do on my board, but my phone just showed my clock running down until the game ended.

The issue in the second game involved a pawn promotion. I promoted a pawn to a queen, and again on my board everything seemed fine. My friend said it asked him what piece to promote to (which seemed weird - shouldn’t it ask me if anything?), and he chose queen and then made his move. However, his move never made it to my phone or board, and again we were left without knowing how to stop my clock from running down.

Finally, in both games, both of our ChessUp screens just stayed on the main menu the whole time, and we had to keep our phones open to the ChessUp app to see the clock. Seems like the intended behavior would be for the clock to show up on the screen like it does for chess .com games.

One of the main reason I was excited (and still am!) about the ChessUp 2 was to play OTB with a couple of friends who don’t live near me anymore, and so far that is pretty difficult to do either through ChessUp Online or chess .com

Again, just figured I’d share my experience in case it helps anybody out or to see if anybody has had different experiences.

Thanks for reporting - we will get this ironed out

The main improvement coming is that these will be best served just going through Chess.com.

But we are waiting on a new API (software call) from Chess.com to be able to accept the incoming challenge on the board.

It is on the way


Good to know, and agreed that the better solution would probably be to just have it go through chess.com. I am all too familiar with waiting on others to improve their API functionality before you can build what you want!